- Bullying,
- Your responsibility is be a good student for your
- Respect Yourself,
- What does positive/negative
self esteem really means,
- What do you do when your parents get on your nerves
(coping skills),
- Peer Pressure
- When can you be YOU
be sentence as an adult
- Why do I need to carry ID
Panelists | Eric Erickson-Adult Probation and police; Ronnie Hinton-Mecklenburg
County Sheriff’s Department Detention and PhD candidate in criminal justice(specialization gangs
and security threat groups); Antoine Ensley-former police chief and former juvenile detention superintendent,
candidate for Mecklenburg County Sheriff; Kevin McClain, NC Dept. of Corrections, programs; Adam Williamson,
3L, Charlotte School of Law; Travis Gilliam, Radio Personality, BOYS TO MEN FOUNDATION.
Additional panelists may be added. |
Colleges and Career Examples
of questions to ask college reps: 1) What does the school require for admission? 2)
What can I do in high school to be admitted? 3) What will it cost and what financial aid is available? 4)
What is unique about campus life at your school? 5) What majors are offered? 6) What is the enrollment
at the school? 7) What is the teacher to student ratio? 8) What is the average SAT score? NC Careers of North Carolina: includes the Career Key, a self-assessment inventory, matches one's interests
to occupations, and then links occupational training to colleges in NC. - www.nccareers.org Colleges and Universities to search by subject area - |
From the Boys to Men Foundation
